IoT (Internet of Things) in Healthcare and Agriculture

April 6, 2023

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interrelated computing devices that is used to exchange data with other devices and over the internet.

The term Internet of Things was first introduced by Kevin Ashton, in 1999. IoT is a combination of hardware and software technologies along with embedded devices which provides services and facilities to anyone, anytime, anywhere using any network. Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Digitalization can make more reliable connectivity and communication on real time. Embedded device such as Fitness Bands, Amazon Echo and Alexa, Infrared Temperature Sensor and Smart Toys like Remote Car and etc. all are the devices based on IoT.


The health care applications are increasing day by day due to sensor devices. The IoT has potential to give rise to many medical applications such as Glucose level Sensing, ECG Monitoring, Blood Pressure Monitoring and Body Temperature Monitoring. The healthcare system mostly work on the wireless sensor networks, embedded device technologies and ubiquitous computing. Using IoT healthcare system takes care of their patients at any time using real time monitoring. Doctors provide instructions to their staff if any emergency occurred at same time. Medical field uses different equipment to cure their patients that are also embedded device.

Secured Smart Healthcare Monitoring System

For Security purpose a microcontroller is used to communicate with sensors. The microcontroller picks up the sensor data and sends it to the network and hence provides real time monitoring of the health care parameters for doctors. The data can be access by the doctor at any time. The controller is also connected with buzzer to alert the caretaker about difference in sensor output.

But the security issue is been addressed by transmitting the data through the password protected Wi-Fi module ESP8266 which will be encrypted by standard AES128 and the users/doctors can access the data by logging to the html webpage. At the time of extremity situation alert message is send to the doctor through GSM module connected to the controller.

Smart Blood Pressure Monitoring System:

Smart Blood pressure system works on the wireless network. This system measures user/patient’s blood pressure and heart rate how it varies throughout the day. It store the patient’s BP and heart rate and forward the information to the devices such as laptop, mobile and others, this information received by the doctor. The Doctor monitors the patient’s condition at anywhere. More convenient and accurate results will be analysed by the doctor.

Healthcare Monitoring

Healthcare becomes one of the major economic and social problem around the world, especially in aging people, where it costs tremendous health expanses. In Medical the IoT is used to monitor physical status of patients through sensors to gather and analyse their information. The used sensors then forward the information to distant location for machine, computers, person or doctor. This information or data is stored into database server which manage data and provides accessibility. User can view this data with the help of Android and iOS App.

Glucose Level Sensing

Diabetes is a group of metabolic diseases in which there are high blood glucose (sugar) levels over a prolonged period. Blood glucose monitoring reveals individual patterns of blood glucose changes and helps in the planning of meals, activities, and medication times. In this sensors are linked to patients through IPv6 connectivity to relevant healthcare providers. This sensor measures the level of glucose every seconds. The utility model reveals a transmission device for the transmission of collected somatic data on blood glucose based on IoT networks. This device includes a blood glucose collector, a mobile phone or a computer, and a background processor. Advantages of is that it continuously measures the glucose level and we provide more update.

Electrocardiogram Monitoring

The monitoring of the electrocardiogram (ECG), that is the electrical activity of the heart recorded by electrocardiography, includes the measurement of the simple heart rate and the determination of the basic rhythm as well as the diagnosis of multifaceted arrhythmias, myocardial ischemia, and prolonged QT intervals. The application of the IoT in ECG monitoring has the potential to give maximum information and can be used to its fullest extent. The innovation in introduces an IoT based ECG monitoring system composed of a portable wireless acquisition transmitter and a wireless receiving processor. The system integrates a search automation method to detect abnormal data such that cardiac function can be identified on a real-time basis. The data can be stored in database and accessed by the doctor through a web based graphical user interface.

Blood Pressure Monitoring

The combination of a KIT blood pressure (BP) meter and an NFC-enabled KIT mobile phone becomes part of BP monitoring based on the IoT is addressed. A motivating scenario in which BP must be regularly controlled remotely is presented by showing the communications structure between a health post and the health centre. The BP device operates depends on the connection to a mobile computing device is addressed. A device for BP data collection and the data is transmitted over an IOT network and this device is composed of a BP apparatus body with a communication module.

Body Temperature Monitoring

Body temperature monitoring is an essential part of healthcare services because body temperature is an important role in the maintenance of homeostasis. In m-IoT concept is verified using a body temperature sensor that is embedded in the TelosB mote and a typical sample of attained body temperature variations showing the successful. TelosB is a wireless sensor network is used to monitor the environment condition, body temperature, sound and humidity. Now a days Infrared Temperature sensors uses in medical application. The sensing elements consists of multiple thermocouples on a silicon chips to measure an object’s infrared energy.


IoT is used in the agriculture industry to make farming as a smart farming and rise the quality, quantity, sustainability and cost effectiveness of agricultural production. Many farmers still uses the traditional methods of farming which outcomes in low yielding of crops and fruits. Due to Implementation of automation human beings have been replaced by automatic machineries and agriculture industry become fast. Using various sensors and wireless devices, farmers can obtain information about soil moisture, soil temperature, and nutrient condition of the soil, plant diseases and pests in plants. Farmer receives information, react and apply appropriate measures. IoT based smart farming is more efficient and effective to achieve quality of the production process.

Agriculture Monitoring

Agriculture plays important role in India which mostly depends upon natural resources and the weather conditions. IoT sensors are capable of providing information about agriculture field. This system makes use of wireless sensor networks that collects data from different sensors and send it to through the wireless network. Here, the user can monitor the agriculture environment from a remote location. The growth of the plant is measured by using sensor which is placed in the soil. The sensors will collect the input as measurements and transfer it to the controller through internet from where the farmers will get the intimation of plants growth. The intimation may be an application or a text message.

Soil Moisture Sensor

Soil moisture sensor is a sensor which senses the moisture content of the soil. The sensor has both analog and digital output. The digital output is fixed and the analog output threshold can be varied. It works on the principle of open and short circuit. The output is high or low indicated by the LED. When the soil is dry, the current will not pass through it and so it will act as open circuit. Hence the output is said to be maximum. When the soil is wet, the current will pass from one terminal to the other and the circuit is said to be short and the output will be zero. The sensor is platinum coated to make the efficiency high. The range of sensing is also high. It is anti-rust and so the sensor has long life which will afford the farmer at a minimum cost.

Temperature Sensor

The temperature sensor measures the temperature of an environment and convert data into readable data to record, monitor or signal temperature changes for example the LM 35 Sensor. The LM 35 sensor is highly used because its output voltage is linear with Celsius scaling of temperature. It does not provide any external trimming. It has a wide operating range. The maximum output is 5V. The output will increase 10mV for every one degree rise in temperature. The range is from -55 degrees to +150 degrees. There are three terminals as Vcc, Ground and the analog sensor. It consumes minimum amount of electricity. Thus, it is energy efficient, use in horticulture and also user friendly.

PIR Sensor

PIR stands for Passive Infrared Sensor that measures the Infrared Lights. All objects with a temperature beyond absolute zero emit heat energy in the form of radiation. It is invisible to the human eye since it radiates infrared wavelengths. PIR sensors don’t detect or measure heat, instead they detect the infrared radiation emitted or reflected from an object. It is used to detect the movement of people, animals or other objects. They are commonly used in burglar alarms and automatically activated lighting systems. When a human passes in the field, the temperature at that point will rise from room temperature. The sensor converts the resulting change into a change in the output voltage and this triggers the detection.

Applications of IoT Based System for Advance Agriculture in India

In agriculture, more advance sensors are used. This smart agriculture using IoT system is powered by Arduino. It consist of soil moisture sensor, soil temperature sensor, PH sensor for soil, DC motor and GPRS module. When this system starts works it checks water level, humidity and moisture level. All these sensor are connected to each other by wireless sensor network XBee and convey data to the station pc in the control room.

In India, IoT based technology is used in agriculture at different places that allows farmers to monitoring and tracking of the cattle, use scientific data and technology to improve the quality of crops, aware about weather condition. In India, to improve the agriculture field Government has launched many schemes like ‘Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna’ will be welcoming Artificial Intelligence to reduce time consumption in settling claims for farmers. Mobile applications, drones, soil and water sensor and animal tracking these are mostly used.

Mobile Applications

Mobile Phones are used by every person. In Punjab has an organisation ‘Punjab Remote Sensing Centre’ for agriculture department. It has 3 applications i.e. E-Pehal an android mobile application for monitoring tree plantation, I-Khet app provides access to agriculture machinery to manage crop residue, E-Prevent app provides information about the incidents of crop burning.

Soil and Water Sensors in India

These sensor can detect moisture and nitrogen levels and find out when soil become ready for farming. These sensor are durable, inexpensive and easy to use. It makes more efficient use of resources and provides lowered costs but it also helps farmers to conserving water from natural resources and limiting erosion.


In India, drones have been mainly used for maize or corn crops in Andhra Pradesh. Using sensor drones can provide information about the crops, soil deterioration, dry regions and fungal infection. Drones are also used for spraying purposes. This information helps the farmer to identify the area which needs irrigation.

Animal Tracking

IoT application is use for monitoring and tracking of the cattle. A collar belt is attached to the animals that detect the health and fertility of cattle. Movement of animals can be monitored with tracking device. The device is integrated with the Mobile phones or laptop. It provides information to farmers to aware of cattle fertility and health issues. Ultra sound is also used.

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